I missed a call from Aunty Goob when I was sleeping after I got home from work this morning/afternoon and she left me a voicemail about tonight's football game, Jordan Beetdiggers vs. Brighton Bengals. Not only was it LT, DT and Malu's senior night, but it was also their homecoming game. She wanted to let Joseph and I know so that we can go and show some support if we were available. Unfortunately, my Husband had to work late. Luckily Mom stopped at the house before going to the game, so I went and rode with her. I was so excited to go see the boys play. It's been so long since I've gone to a high school football game and I miss it so much.
Anywho, the boys did so well!! We were sitting with our long lost cousins, the Laulu's. We (meaning Aunty Goob, Mom & Irene) were cheering so loud. I tried to join in with them, but I could feel a headache coming on from me yelling...so I took a seat and sat there looking "pretty". Ha!
Too bad we missed the boys' senior night recognition, but we were able to catch everything else. One which was being able to see LT ride on the back of a sparkling red convertible to be announced as Jordan's 2010 Homecoming PRINCE!! It was amazing to see one of our boys as part of the homecoming royalty. My eyes were starting to tear up as he was going around the field and I look over at Mom to see her bawling her eyeballs out. Buncha crybabies I tell ya...we must get that from my Papa Gafa...LOL.
We're so proud of the boys. They did a great job and fought for the win. I hope we'll be able to watch my brothers play next year. I'm so thankful for my family...they make my life complete!!
Wedding Stationary!
12 years ago